10 November 2021

Call for new researchers – ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub)

Call for new researchers – ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub)

The ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) is looking to expand its membership to include new researchers and practitioners.

The ASEM LLL Hub offers Asia and Europe an unparalleled mechanism for engaging in high-level, policy-oriented research on futures in lifelong learning, drawing on rich traditions and exciting new trends in both regions. Collaboration and partnership building are at heart of the ASEM LLL Hub, which maintains an international network for research and policy engagement on lifelong learning. It includes researchers, practitioners, policymakers and a wide range of lifelong learning stakeholders and aims to generate evidence-based outcomes to understand current trends and influence future directions in lifelong learning in the ASEM region. 

The ASEM LLL Hub is organised into six Research Networks (RN): 

  • RN1: e-ASEM (Development of ICT skills, e-learning and the culture of e-learning in Lifelong Learning) 
  • RN2: Workplace Learning 
  • RN3: Professionalisation of Adult Teachers and Educators in ASEM countries 
  • RN4: National strategies for Lifelong Learning 
  • RN5: Lifelong Learning Transitions 
  • RN6: Learning Cities and Learning Regions 


The following ASEM partner countries are currently not represented in any of the research networks : Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan and the Russian Federation. 

Disseminating this call within your network is highly appreciated.

More comprehensive information and contact details can be found in the Research Network Membership Terms