1st Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM1)

1st Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM1)
“Asia and Europe: Reboosting interregional cooperation on education”
Dates: 22 – 23 May 2023
Location: Radisson Blu Resort, St Julian’s, STJ 3301, Malta
On 22 and 23 May 2023, ASEM Education Senior Officials and Stakeholders will meet in St. Julian’s, Malta to attend the Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM1).
The meeting will focus on the theme:
“Asia and Europe: Reboosting interregional cooperation on education”
Below you will find an overview of what it is envisioned for the SOM1
Download the minutes.
Download the agenda.
Download all documents.
Download all photos
DAY 1: 22 May
Registration and welcome coffee
Welcome and introduction
- Welcome by Dr. Rose Anne Cuschieri, Chief Executive Officer, Malta Further
and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), Malta - Welcome by Mr. Luca Lantero, Head of the ASEM Education Secretariat
Adoption of the SOM1 agenda
Adoption of the minutes from the ISOM 2022
Intermediate Senior Officials’ Meeting minutes (2022, Malta)
Keynote Speech
- “Asia and Europe: Leveraging the digital transformation for inclusive quality higher education”, Mr. Libing Wang, UNESCO Bangkok
Health Break and Group Photo
Updates from the ASEM Expert Groups (EGs), initiatives and projects
- EG1 on Sustainable Development Goals and Education
- EG2 on Recognition and Balanced Mobility
- EG3 on Lifelong Learning and TVET
- EG4 on Digitalisation
- Global Inventory of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks
- Mapping the relationship of HE and the SDGs in the ASEM countries
The (Co-)Chairs of each Expert Group share updates on their groups’ activities and future plans. Other initiatives are presented upon previous request of the initiatives’ coordinators to the ASEM Education Secretariat.
ITEM5_ASEM_SOM1_ Updates_EGs_initiatives_projects.pdf (presentation during meeting)
Updates from the ASEM partners
ASEM countries, the European Commission and the ASEAN Secretariat are invited to orally present the current state of play of their relevant activities, projects and initiatives carried out and implemented since the ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEMME8, 2021). Each speaker has about 5 minutes.
Lunch break
Parallel Workshops
A: Why recognition matters?
Well-functioning, fair and transparent recognition of qualifications is a crucial
precondition for student, staff and researcher mobility. The workshop aims to contribute to the discussion on the role of recognition of qualifications as one of the practical tools to support interregional exchange and cooperation.
ITEM7_ASEM_SOM1_ WorkshopA.pdf (presentation during meeting)
ITEM7_ASEM_SOM1_ WorkshopA_FinalReport.pdf
B: Learning Cities: leaving no one behind
UNESCO is committed to a global agenda about ‘leaving no one behind’. This is driven though many of its educational and learning projects and is especially prominent in the global network of learning cities. ASEM Education, through the activities of Research Network 6 of the ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub works closely with UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in addressing that key mission within learning cities. In this workshop we will explore some really good examples from Asia and Europe that highlight how learning cities address the challenge of inclusive learning for the entire population, so that no one is left behind. These cities are endeavouring to build more sustainable communities, premised on robust learning opportunities for the entire population. Such projects not only help individuals make better lives, but they support entire communities to create better futures socially, environmentally, culturally and economically.
ITEM7_ASEM_SOM1_ WorkshopB.pdf (presentation during meeting)
ITEM7_ASEM_SOM1_ WorkshopB_FinalReport.pdf
C: Approaches of digitally-enhanced learning and teaching at higher education institutions with a focus on the use of microcredentials
There will be a presentation by the European University Association (EUA) of the DIGI-HE project which explored different ways how higher education institutions (HEI) can boost their strategic approaches to digitally enhanced learning and teaching and enhance their capacity. Another focus will be on the use of microcredentials at HEI and the presentation of a short survey on the same topic which was conducted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) among German HEI.
ITEM7_ASEM_SOM1_ WorkshopC.pdf (presentation during meeting)
ITEM7_ASEM_SOM1_ WorkshopC_FinalReport.pdf
The participants are invited to discuss in smaller groups on one of the proposed topics.
Summary of the day and closing remarks
Between 16:30 and 18:30 bilateral meetings and expert group meetings are possible. Please contact secretariat@asem-education.org to check availability of rooms.
Formal dinner at the Radisson Blu Resort
DAY 2: 23 May
Opening of the 2nd day with welcoming remarks
Updates from the ASEM stakeholders
Stakeholders are invited to orally present the current state of play of their relevant activities, projects and initiatives carried out and implemented since the ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEMME8, 2021). Each speaker has about 5 minutes.
ITEM10_ASEM_SOM1_Updates_Stakeholders.pdf (presentation during meeting)
ASEM Education Process
- Stocktaking Report
- Chair’s Conclusions
The ASEM Education Secretariat presents the drafting process for the Stocktaking Report and Chair’s Conclusion to be adopted at the 9th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting.
ITEM11_ASEM_SOM1_StocktakingReport_ChairsConclusions.pdf (presentation during meeting)
Coffee Break
Looking towards SOM2 and ASEMME9
The ASEM Education Secretariat presents the next steps towards the Senior Officials’ Meeting 2 and the 9th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting, planned to be held in Malta in early 2024.
ITEM12_ASEM_SOM_towards_SOM2_ASEMME9.pdf (presentation during meeting)
Outlook: ASEM Education Initiatives for the next biennial 2024-2026
- ASEM partners’ initiatives
- ASEM stakeholders’ initiatives
Partners and stakeholders are invited to present new projects, initiatives and activities that are intended to be implemented during the next biennial 2024-2026.
ITEM13_ASEM_SOM1_Initiatives_2024-2026.pdf (presentation during meeting)
Call for ISOM (2024), SOM1 (2025), SOM2 and ASEMME10 (2026) host
All ASEM partner countries, in particular all Asian partner countries – in line with the customary rotation principle – are invited to express their interest to host the ISOM, SOM1, SOM2 and ASEMME 10
ITEM14_ASEM_SOM1_CallforHosts_NextMeetings.pdf (presentation during meeting)
Closing remarks
Afternoon with social programme organised by the host.
Date | 22/05/2023 - 23/05/2023 |
Time | All Day |