04 November 2021

Open Call ASEF Equitable Access and Success Capacity Building Workshops

Open Call ASEF Equitable Access and Success Capacity Building Workshops

Join the ASEF Capacity Building Workshop on Equitable Access and Success in Higher Education which takes place online, from 15 November to 17 December 2021. This is one of two spin-off initiatives based on the recommendations gathered from the recently concluded 8th ASEF Regional Conference on Higher Education (ARC8). The project is also contributing to the World Access to Higher Education Day (WAHED) in 2021.

This Capacity Building Workshop is designed for ASEM university managers, academics and administrators who wish to enhance inclusion in their institutions. A cohort of 30 participants will exchange best practices, expand their professional network, and develop bespoke action plans that will enhance equity in the activities of their universities.

Do you want to be part of the international cohort to improve equity?

ASEF is looking for participants from the 51 ASEM countries who meet the following criteria joining the project:
• Managers, academics and administrators in tertiary higher education institutions
• Working at an ASEM country-based university
• Excellent command of English (written and verbal)

When and where?

A 5-week long online programme from 15 November – 17 December 2021.

For whom?

Managers, international relations officers, and academics working on inclusion and internationalisation in an ASEAN based university.

What do participants gain?

Upon successful completion, participants will gain:

  •  New insights on different strategies and best practices to take actionable plans
  •  An international professional network
  •  A Certificate of Completion
  •  A bespoke Action Plan to address inclusion challenges


This programme is fully funded to advance inclusion in international higher education in ASEAN. There are no registration or participation fees.

How to apply?

Applications are open until Wednesday, 10 November 2021, at 23:59 UTC.

More information is available on the project website and in the documents below:

Download the project overview and workshop’s programme.