20 May 2019

Launch of Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR)

Launch of Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR)

In May 2018, EQAR launched a new pan-European Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR) in a move to make quality assurance reports and decisions more easily accessible and understandable.

Especially now that European ministers have set out to realise automatic recognition of qualifications, different users – and not only experts – will need a simple way to see that a higher education institution or programme was quality assured in line with the ESG. EQAR therefore developed DEQAR to gather all registered agencies’ reports and to provide a one-stop shop.

DEQAR already includes 9 737 on 1 624 higher education institutions from 56 countries. For 12 EHEA countries, DEQAR covers all or most higher education institutions. Country profiles for each EHEA country are embedded to contextualise
the information on QA reports. It is expected that DEQAR will grow to 20 000 reports by the end of 2019.

In addition to many European partners, DEQAR also includes reports on higher education institutions from 4 Asian partners in the ASEM Education Process: a couple of universities in Australia, China, Indonesia and Mongolia were evaluated or accredited by EQAR-registered agencies.

DEQAR provides easy access to external QA results across Europe and maps the diversity of external quality assurance frameworks in Europe for a broad range of users. DEQAR gives agencies, institutions and countries more exposure of its work, and can be used as a basis for Europe-wide studies, allowing researches to tap into thousands of quality assurance reports.

Browse or search the database at:


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