ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme

Description of the Initiative

This programme promotes balanced exchange of Asia and Europe through paired (one-to-one) exchange of higher education students and academics.  ASEM-DUO Fellowship Programme approved in 2000 from ASEM III Summit and commenced in 2001.  The programme entered the fourth phase (2016- 2020) as approved in the 10th ASEM Summit in Milan, 2014.

More than 3,200 students and academics have been supported by this fellowship programme.

More information can be found here.


  • DUO-Belgium/Flanders

DUO-Belgium/Flanders Fellowship Programme was established in 2011 with the aim of promoting exchanges of students between Belgium/Flanders and 4 Asian countries (China, India, South Korea and Vietnam) on a balanced and permanent basis.

For more information click here.

  • DUO-Belgium/Wallonia  

DUO/Wallonia-Brussels has been established at the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in order to promote “paired exchanges” between professors from Wallonia-Brussels HEIs and Asian ones.

For more information click here.

  • DUO-India

DUO-India Fellowship Programme is established in 2019 with the aim of promoting exchange of students and professors between India and European countries on a balanced and permanent basis. For this program, only such institutes which are part of the Joint Research Projects under Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) are eligible to participate.

For more information click here.

  • DUO-Korea  

DUO-Korea Fellowship Programme was established in 2001 with the aim of promoting exchanges of people between Korea and 30 European countries on a balanced and permanent basis. In this respect, DUO-Korea requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in the framework of a cooperative project.

For more information click here.

  • DUO-Singapore

The DUO-Singapore Fellowship Programme is awarded by the Singapore government to promote academic exchanges between full-time undergraduate students who are Singapore or ASEAN citizens and students from universities in European ASEM member countries. 

For more information click here.

  • DUO-Sweden  

DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program was established in 2010 with the aim of promoting exchanges of people between Sweden and Asian 21 countries on a balanced basis. DUO-Sweden requires that a PAIR (two persons) of students be exchanged in an academic cooperative arrangement.

For more information click here.

  • DUO-Thailand

DUO-Thailand Fellowship Programme aims to enhance a balanced mobility of students between Thailand and 30 ASEM member states in Europe by supporting paired-based and two-way exchanges.

For more information click here

Aims and objectives

  • Promote balanced exchanges of students, teachers and professors between Asia and Europe
  • Contribute to setting up regular-basis exchange programmes between Asian and European tertiary institutions
  • Establish deeper understanding between both regions

ASEM Partners and Stakeholders involved

The ASEM-DUO Fellowship programme is coordinated by the ASEM-DUO Secretariat. The programmes are currently implemented by six contributing members: Belgium/Flanders, Belgium/Wallonia, India, Korea, Singapore, Sweden and Thailand.

Progress and Achievements

ASEMME7: Chair’s Conclusion 35

  • Six DUO-programmes in operation as planned;
  • More than 200 students and professors’ profit from ASEM-DUO per year
  • New contributing member since ASEMME7 2019: India


Activities listed in the Chair’s Conclusions completed; aims partly achieved; ongoing (fourth phase of the programme: 2016–2020)

Plans and expected outcomes

  • Include more partner countries in the programme
  • organise 11th ASEM-DUO Expert Meeting (May 2019)
  • 5th ASEM-DUO Fellows Alumni Meeting (October 2020)
  • increased exchange of students and professors

The Initiative contributes to: