ASEM Work Placement Programme

Description of the Initiative

The ASEM Work Placement Three-Year Pilot programme was proposed and agreed by the Ministers during the 3rd Asia-Europe Meeting of Ministers for Education (ASEMME3) in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2011. The ASEM Education Ministers felt that a work placement programme would provide students with the opportunity to discover the world of work in a different regional and cultural setting and gain some experience. The Chairs’ Conclusion of the ASEMME5 stated that The Ministers “Considered the establishment of an ASEM placement programme in terms of setting up a pilot scheme for higher education-business mobility of qualified students between Asia and Europe (partly funded by public resources and industry);”.

The programme aims to establish, promote and sustain the mutual exchange of interns between the regions Europe and Asia on the basis of balance and mutual benefits.

More information can be found on the ASEM WPP Website.

Aims and objectives

Establish, promote and sustain the mutual exchange of interns between Europe and Asia on the basis of balance and mutual benefits

ASEM Partners and Stakeholders involved

Belgium (Flemish Community), Brunei Darussalam, Germany, India, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Progress and Achievements

  • From Pilot Project (testing phase) to established programme
  • Co-secretariat established (Flemish Community of Belgium, Thailand)
  • documents and procedures for workplacements are standardised; *website created
  • a promotion tools available (flyer)
  • allocation of national scholarships
  • stimulating mobility of trainees


Partly completed and aims partly achieved; ongoing

Plans and expected outcomes

ASEMME7: Chair’s Conclusion 31

  • To continue improving procedures and documents
  • To increase work placements of students in Europe and Asia
  • To promote the programme to involve more countries and encourage more governments and business partners to participate and to allocate more funding for scholarships.

The initiative contributes to: