Kick Off Meeting ASEM Education Expert Group on Digitalisation

ASEM Education Partners and Stakeholders are invited to delegate an expert to the Kick Off Meeting of the ASEM Education Expert Group on Digitalisation, that will take place in Berlin on the 12th of December 2019.
The aim of the first meeting is to discuss and finalise the Terms of References, agree on the Expert Groups’ operating principles and discuss a more precise thematic focus.
During the ASEMME7 in Bucharest, The Ministers underlined that “Digitalisation” can create opportunities to support connectivity and collaboration between Asia and Europe, but also that the ASEM Education Process should adapt itself to the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation and the 4th Industrial Revolution. Therefore, the Ministers welcomed the suggestion to include “Digitalisation” as a second transversal theme (besides Sustainable Development) within the 4 priority areas of the ASEM Education Process. (Chair’s Conclusion No. 13) – Ministers invited Senior Officials to establish an expert group on the transversal topic on digitalisation in order to foster dialogue and synergies on activities in the field of digital learning and teaching. The Ministers thank Germany for the initiative. (Chair’s Conclusion No. 55).
Target Group
- academic experts (from universities and research institutes)
- digitalisation experts from NGOs involved in education
- representatives from student bodies
Each ASEM Partner Country participating in the Expert Group is responsible for identifying and recruiting experts from their respective country
- establish a forum in which stakeholders and experts of various ASEM expert groups and initiatives can take part in order to promote a stronger inclusion of digitalisation in their field of expertise/ initiative; the outcomes of the Expert Group Digitalisation shall hence complement the work of the other expert groups, specifically of the newly established Standing Working Group
- promote exchange on the potential of digitalisation in education with specific regard to the four priorities of the AEP
- promote exchange on the potential of digitalisation in education with specific regard to inclusion and accessibility (SDG 4.3: equal access to quality education including tertiary education)
- identify opportunities for concrete cooperation of ASEM members in digital learning and teaching
Intended Outcome
- a pool of experts on digitalisation specifically working within the ASEM context
- input and concrete policy recommendations, for the Strategy 2030 and ASEMME8, focusing on digitalisation, with specific regard to the four priorities of the AEP, and how digitalisation can contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- recommendations for conceptualising new ASEM initiatives focusing on digital learning and teaching
More information about the Expert Group can be found in the Terms of References: ToR_EG_Digitalisation.pdf.
Date | 12/12/2019 |
Time | 09:00 - 17:00 |