Intermediate Senior Officials Meeting (ISOM) Jakarta

The host of the ISOM, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MoRTHE) of the Republic of Indonesia invites Senior Officials from Ministries of Education in ASEM Partner Countries to the Intermediate Senior Officials Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The meeting will take place from 3-5 June 2018, with a welcome dinner on the 3rd in the evening followed by a 2 days meeting.
Content and workshops
The ISOM integrates 2 workshops on the first day, in accordance with the new meeting structure as agreed in the Chair’s Conclusions of the ASEMME6 in Seoul. During these workshops, discussions will take place on identified themes with input from experts. The workshops will be co-chaired by an Asian and a European Country. Input for the discussions in the workshops will be provided by experts from the ASEM Education Initiatives as well as by external experts. One workshop will be organized under the 2 thematic areas ‘Quality Assurance and Recognition’ and ‘Balanced Mobility’, the other workshop will combine the themes of ‘Engaging Businesses and Industries in Education’ and ‘Lifelong Learning including TVET’.
The outcomes and conclusions of both workshops will be presented and discussed at the second meeting day in a plenary session which.
Practical information
The ISOM will take place in the Fairmont Hotel in Jakarta. All participants are adviced to plan their stay in the venue or recommended hotesl and to make their own arrangements directly to the hotel by e-maul or the contact person of the respective designated hotel. Delegations will be responsible for all hotel charges including room cancellation. More information on the venue, transportation and hotels can be found in the ISOM Administrative Circular.
Please contact the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General in your Country before the meeting in order to check if you require any immigration documents necessary to visit Indonesia. Delegates are advised to apply for necessary visa as early as possible. Information on Indonesian Missions in your respective countries can be found on this link.
Delegates who wish to enter Indonesia must obtain a visa from one of the Indonesian diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa exempt countries. For further information, please visit this link.
We kindly invite you to register by completing the registration form (at the right side of this page) and sending it to or by using the online registration form.
Date | 03/06/2018 - 05/06/2018 |
Time | 19:00 - 17:00 |
Location | Fairmont Hotel Jakarta |
Day 1 – Arrival Day (3 June)
- 19:00 – Arrival Participants
Day 2 – (4 June)
- 9:00 – Introduction
- Welcome Message by Prof. Ainun Na’im, Secretary General of MORTHE and ASEM Education Secretariat (Chairs)
- Opening Remarks by HE. Mohamad Nasir, Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education Indonesia (MORTHE)
- Presentation: Initiatives & achievements since ASEMME6 by the ASEM Education Secretariat
- 9:35 – Plenary presentations on priority themes ‘Recognition & Quality Assurance’ and ’Balanced Mobility’
- Presentation on a good practice example from Indonesia, by Prof. Intan Ahmad, Director General of Learning and Students Affairs for MORTHE) (TBC)
- Presentation from a member of the Expert group of International Credit Transfer Systems and Learning Outcomes, by Ms. Magalie Soenen, Belgium (Policy Advisor, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training)
- Presentation from External expert of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) on balanced mobility, by Mr. João Pinto, President ESN.
- Presentation “Strategies for better balanced mobility between Asia and Europe: AEI-ASEM Summer School”, Dr. Nurliana Kamaruddin, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya
- 10:40 – Coffee Break
- 11:00 – Plenary Presentations “Engaging Business & Industries, LLL & TVET”
- Good practice example from Indonesia, by Dr. Jumain Appe, Director General for Empowering Innovation and Director General of Lifelong Learning (TBC)
- Presentation on Technical and Vocational Education and Training: “Policy Dialogue and Stakeholders engagement in TVET” by Ms. Manuela Prina (European Training Foundation) and Ms. Rauza Shirgatova (Department for Technical and Professional Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan)
- The ASEM Lifelong Learning HUB – its present work and its future, (Head of the ASEM LLL Hub Secretariat, Danish School of Education Arhus University).
- 12:15 – Lunch
- 13:45 – Workshop 1: Recognition & Quality Assurance and Balanced Mobility
- 15:20 – Coffee Break
- 15:50 – Workshop 2: Lifelong Learning, TVET and Engagement of Businesses in education
- 17:30 – End of day 2
- 19:00 – Formal Dinner (Fairmont Hotel Ballroom)
Day 3 (5 June)
- 9:00 – Presentation of the outputs and conclusions of workshops by the chairs
- Presentation of the conclusions of each workshop
- Plenary discussion and feedback
- 10:15 – Coffee Break
- 10:45 – Plenary Discussion on future initiatives
- 11:30 – Feedback Questionnaire
- 11:40 – Looking forward to SOM1, Ms. Patrizia Jankovic, Minstry of Education, Science and Research, Austria and Mr. Friedrich Faulhammer from the Danube University Krems, Austria.
- 11:50 – Closing speech Secretary General of MORTHE
- 12:15 – Lunch
- 14:00 – Informal Dialogue: multilateral or bilateral meetings upon requests.