ASEM Technical and Vocational Education and Training Seminar, Latvia

Latvia is organizing the forthcoming ASEM seminar on Technical and Vocational Education and Training. The goal is to exchange the best practices on TVET policies in ASEM countries through dialogue, specifically focusing on presenting examples of involvement of industry in TVET planning, education and training process, skills development and international cooperation.
- Participants: Representatives from all ASEM countries representing ministries, agencies, or stakeholder organizations.
- Expected results: Exchange of practices between participants of the seminar from European and Asian countries on topical matters related to the TVET developments in policy planning and methodology areas.
- For further information please contact Valda AKMENTINA, STATE EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Valnu street 1, Riga, LV-1050, LATVIA, Tel.: +371 67358441, Email:
- Practical considerations: Latvian counterparts will cover venue costs, meals and local transport to the sites in the agenda and a city tour, while flights, hotel costs, transport to and from the airport are to be covered by the participants themselves.
- Recommended hotel: Grand Poet Hotel by Semarah Hotels, Raina Blvd. 5/6, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
- Contact person of the event: Ms Valda Akmentiņa, Assistant to the Director, State Education Development Agency, e-mail:
Fill in the registration form here.
Date | 24/04/2018 - 26/04/2018 |
Time | 19:00 - 16:30 |
Location | Grand Poet Hotel, Riga |
Arrival day (24 April) – Grand Poet Hotel (Club Zone)
- 19:00 Welcome cocktail and socialising
Day 1 (25 April) – Grand Poet Hotel (room Epic)
- 9:00 – Registration and refreshments
- 09:30 – Opening by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia: State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia Ms Līga Lejiņa
- 09:40 – Opening by David Urban from the ASEM Education Secretariat
- 09:50 – Introduction round of participants
- 10:20 – Keynote speech on TVET policy – Presentation by the European Commission, Ms. Dana-Carmen Bachmann, Head of Unit E3, Vocational training, Apprenticeships and Adult Learning, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission.
- 10:40 – Feedback, questions, discussions
- 11:00 – Coffee/Tea Break
- 11:20 – Thematic presentations by the host country
- Recent reforms and VET developments in Latvia (Mr Janis Gaigals, Director Department of Vocational Education and Training, National centre for Education (Curriculum and Examinations)
- Validation of learning outcomes through informal and non-formal learning (Ms Līva Šmaukstele, State Education Quality Service)
- 12:00 – Feedback, questions, discussion
- 12:20 – Latest developments in TVET in Russia (Ms. Olga Oleynikova, Director, Centre for VET Studies of the Russian Federation)
- 13:00 – Lunch at the venue Grand Poet Hotel
- 14:00 – Transfer to Riga State Technicum by bus
- 14:00 – Visit in Riga State Technicum: Introduction of printing&publishing and electrician training programmes
- 16:30 – Transfer to the hotel by bus
- 17:00 – 19:00 Free time
- 19:00 – Organized dinner Restaurant Pavāru restorāns
Day 2 (26 April) – Grand Poet Hotel (Room Ode 1 + Ode 2)
- 09:30 – Thematic presentations by host country: Legislation, administration and institutional arrangements for involvement of industry and employers in VET (Ms Ruta Porniece, Head of Education and Employment Department, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia)
- 09:50 – Feedback, questions
- 10:10 – Skills competitions as TVET prestige and excellence hub, place where industry and TVET meet (Ms Dita Traidās, Director, State Education Development Agency)
- 10:40 – Moderated discussion (moderator: Nadia Reynders, ASEM Education Secretariat)
- 11:10 – Transfer to Riga Exhibition Centre Kipsala by Bus
- 11:30 – Tour around Skills Latvia 2018 National TVET Competetion, Riga Exhibition centre Kipsala
- 13:30 – Lunch Restaurant Kolonāde
- 15:00 – City Tour (walking)
End of official Programme