14th ASEF Classroom Network Conference #ASEFClassNet14

Since its establishment in 1998, the ASEF Classroom Network (ASEF ClassNet) project has been providing opportunities for collaborative learning and intercultural exchanges through the use of ICT among secondary, high and vocational schools in ASEM partner countries.
Its activities are both face-to-face and online. The focal point of face-to-face activities is the ASEF ClassNet Conference, which takes place on an annual basis alternating between Asia and Europe. With over 120 teachers, experts, professionals, and business representatives in the field of ICT and education in attendance, the conference acts as a gateway to both the wider ASEF ClassNet membership, and to the plethora of Online Collaborations and school exchanges in which the teachers and their students are engaged.
To-date, more than 1,400 teacher members from 45 ASEM countries have been participating in ASEF ClassNet Online Collaborations. In addition, more than 21,000 students have been engaged in over 350 online collaborations since 2001.
Gender Equality: Reprogramming Technology Education
The 14th ASEF ClassNet Conference shall address the theme of “Gender Equality: Reprogramming Technology Education” (working title). It will comprise 4 programme elements: 1) Expert talks and panel discussions; 2) Practical workshops and training sessions; 3) Presentations of 6 outstanding ASEF ClassNet Online Collaborations competing for the 2017 ASEF ClassNet Awards; 4) Working groups to develop ASEF ClassNet Online Collaborations 2018.
The 14th ASEF ClassNet Conference aims to:
- Facilitate intercultural exchanges, learning opportunities and cooperation among secondary, high, and vocational schools in ASEM partner countries through the use of ICT.
- Encourage schools to initiate ASEF ClassNet Online Collaborations across both regions in ASEF’s 6 thematic areas
- Promote the topic of “Gender Equality: Reprogramming Technology Education” (working title) as part of the school curriculum in secondary, high and vocational school education, with the use of ICT, through case-studies and practical tools
- Enlarge the network with new active members from all ASEM countries
More information can be found on the ASEF-website.
Date | 26/11/2017 - 01/12/2017 |
Time | 09:00 - 15:00 |
Location | Helsinki, Finland |
- Programme will be announced soon…