Last updated in 2024
Chapter 1: Higher Education System
Section 1.1.: Schematic Description of the Higher Education System
Section 1.2: Description of Higher Education System
Training in degree programs of higher education is carried out in the mode of full-time and (or) external studies.
The main types of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education are:
– National research university;
– National organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education;
-Research university;
– University;
– Academy;
– Institute and equated to it organization (conservatory, higher school, higher specialized school).
A student who passes the final academic assessment for the completion of the degree program of higher education is awarded a bachelor’s degree or a qualification of specialist’s degree.
Specialist’s degree is a higher education level aimed at training personnel with the qualification of a specialist in a relevant degree program with the compulsory mastering of at least 300 academic credits/ECTS.
Bachelor’s degree is a higher education level aimed at training personnel with a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate degree program with the required mastering of at least 240 academic credits/ECTS.
Postgraduate Education
Training in postgraduate degree programs is carried out in the mode of full-time studies.
Postgraduate education is accomplished on the levels of master’s degree, residency and Ph.D. studies in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, scientific organizations in the main activity profile and field of training.
Training on the master’s degree level is performed based on the bachelor’s degree programs in two directions:
– Scientific & Teacher training degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 120 academic credits/ECTS;
– Professionally oriented degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 60-90 academic credits/ECTS.
Training on the Ph.D. degree level is performed based on the master’s degree programs in two directions:
– Scientific & Teacher training degree;
– Professionally oriented degree;
with the compulsory mastering of at least 180 academic credits/ECTS.
Postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education includes residency, master’s and Ph.D. degree programs.
The residency provides advanced training in clinical specialties, the period of training is from two to four years, depending on the specialization. Regulations for training medical specialists in residency are approved by the authorized body in the field of healthcare.
Section 1.3: Number of Higher Education Institutions
The total number of accredited universities in the country is 104, of which national universities – 11, state – 34 (non-profit joint stock companies – 34), international university – 1, joint stock – 10, private – 48.
Section 1.4 Number of Students in Higher Education
- General number of students
- Number of students divided by type of institution (if available)
- Number of foreign students enrolled in full degree programmes (if available)
- Number of outgoing exchange students with credit transfer (if available)
- Number of incoming exchange students with credit transfer (if available)
Incoming degree students | Outgoing exchange students | |
State universities | 10 754 | 1683 |
Private universities | 4376 | 902 |
national universities | 8300 | 1021 |
international university | 1096 | 92 |
JSC universities | 2314 | 728 |
Erasmus+ (short-term) | – | 59 |
Total | 26 840 | 4426 |
Section 1.5: Structure of Academic Year
Each semester ends with an examination period.
Section 1.6: National Qualifications Framework (or Similar)
The KZ QF is an 8-level structure. Descriptors are knowledge, skills and competences, competencies (personal and professional) and ways of achievement. The NQF accommodates qualifications from general education, VET, post-secondary, higher education, and adult education. Currently, levels 6 to 8 are reserved for degrees awarded in higher education. Levels 2 to 4 are reserved for general secondary education or VET qualifications. Level 5 is reserved for postsecondary education. The recently introduced Applied Bachelor’s degree is placed at Level 5, but its level descriptors are currently identical to those for academic bachelors awarded by higher education institutions that sit at level 6.
Link: https://disk.yandex.kz/i/L70Iz9mINftZUA
Section 1.7: Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
National Qualifications Framework was adopted and the process of developing professional standards was launched; educational programs reflect learning outcomes and are developed in the context of employers’ expectations. Academic credits express the volume of studying based on specific learning outcomes and workload. The workload is measured by the time required for the student to study the discipline, module or the entire educational program and necessary to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
In Kazakhstan, the learning outcomes are formulated by developers on the basis of the Bloom taxonomy methodology in accordance with the HE-NQF descriptors and the requirements of professional standards, as well as comprehensively discussed at the academic committees of universities with the participation of representatives of student self-government (organization) and the community of employers. At the same time, the university implements a set of measures to monitor and assess the degree of attainability of the indicated learning outcomes by students, equips the material and technical base and attracts the best specialists from the professional fields for teaching and research. The qualifications framework is understood in the international community as a systematic and level-structured description of qualifications. Specialized associations and the state body are carrying out a procedure for assessing the levels of graduates in a number of regulated professions (teacher – education, manager – tourism, engineer – ICT, etc.), achieving the stated learning outcomes for educational programs in accordance with professional standards (with HE-NQF descriptors and industry qualifications frameworks) through professional certification and continuing education mechanisms. A number of universities have already integrated well-known professional certification programs (ACCA, CFA, Microsoft Academy, etc.) in their educational programs to increase the competitiveness of their graduates, since their graduates, in addition to their diplomas, receive certificates after successfully passing the examinations of professional associations. Thus, at the national level, the HE-NQF descriptors allow you to structure the mechanism for determining the level of qualification of labor resources through the introduction of transparent mechanisms for measuring and confirming qualifications (skills, competencies and learning outcomes). Kazakhstani higher education institutions issue the Diploma Supplement in English. The design and content comply with the pattern proposed in the Paris Communique 2018.
The Higher Education Development National Center prepared description of the education system of Kazakhstan for paragraph 8 of Diploma Supplement.
Section 1.8: Admission Requirements to Higher Education
Admission requirements to HEIs are based on Order “On approval of the Model Regulations for admission to studies in educational organization, implementing educational programs of technical and vocational education” state the following:
To participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant of higher education at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget and (or) admission to paid training, individuals who have secondary, technical and vocational or post-secondary education are allowed, with the exception of those who come in related areas of training of higher education personnel, providing for reduced training periods, who passed the UNT and scored according to its results:
in the national the OHPE -organizations of higher and postgraduate education – at least 65 scores, and in the field of education “Pedagogical sciences” – at least 75 scores, in the field of education “Healthcare” – at least 70 scores, in the areas of education “Agriculture and bioresources,” “Veterinary medicine” − at least 60 scores, in the field of training “Law” – at least 75 scores;
in other educational institutions – at least 50 scores, and in the field of “Pedagogical sciences” – at least 75 scores, in the field of education “Healthcare” – at least 70 scores, in the field of training “Law” – at least 75 scores.
At the same time, for each UNT subject and (or) creative exam, it is necessary to score at least 5 scores.
To participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant of higher education at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget in related areas of training of higher education personnel, providing for reduced training periods, individuals who have technical and professional, post-secondary education, have passed UNT and scored at least 25 scores based on its results and in the field of education are allowed “Pedagogical sciences” – at least 35 scores, including at least 5 scores for each UNT discipline and (or) creative exam.
When passing the UNT in electronic format in the competition for the award of an educational grant of higher education at the expense of the republican budget or the local budget, the recipient participates with one of the two UNT results having the required number of scores specified in this paragraph.
Footnote. Paragraph 4 – in the wording of the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.07.2022 No. 3 (shall enter into force after the day of its first official publication); with amendments by order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.06.2023 No. 252 (shall enter into force after the day of its first official publication).
4-1. Individuals who have international certificates confirming proficiency in a foreign language (English): Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (TOEFL ITP, Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm. Internet-based Test. (TOEFL IBT), Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programme. TOEFL Paper-based test. TOEFL pbt, International English Language Tests System. (IELTS), if desired, shall be exempted from passing the subject or special discipline of UNT “Foreign Language (English).
Individuals with certificates of international standardized tests SAT, ACT, IB, A Level, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL IBT, TOEFL pbt, IELTS shall participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant and (or) shall be enrolled in universities in a paid department, in accordance with the scores transfer scale, according to Annex 2-1 of the Rules
Link: https://adilet.zan.kz/eng/docs/V1800017650
Section 1.9: Grading System
Academic achievements of students (learners) on all types of academic assignments and tasks are assessed by point-rating letter system of knowledge assessment in accordance with the state compulsory standard of education on control and assessment of knowledge in universities, the translation of which into the traditional scale of assessment is made in accordance with Annex 1 to these Rules.
Annex 1:
Alphabetical system for evaluating students’ learning achievements, corresponding to the digital equivalent of a four-point system.
Assessment by letter system Digital equivalent of points % content Traditional system evaluation
А 4,0 95-100 Excellent
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 Okay
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74
С 2,0 65-69 Satisfactorily
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1,0 50-54
FX 0 25-49 Unsatisfactory
F 0 0-24
Section 1.10: Tuition Fee System for International Students
Tuition fees vary by study programmes and are determined by each HEI individually. Tuition fee depends on the chosen programme. Popular study programmes tuitions fees per year are approximately:
- Medical Sciences 3,500 – 4,000 USD
- Business Studies and Management Sciences 2,000 – 4,000 USD
- Engineering and Technology 2,200 – 4,000 USD
- Mathematics and Informatics 2,000 – 4,000 USD
Section 1.11: Graduation Requirements and/or Qualification Awarding Requirements
Graduation requirements are regulated by the state education standard.
Graduation requirements are:
- passed all study courses;
- passed final state examination;
- written and defended final thesis;
- completed practice (for professional programmes).
Section 1.12: Relevant Current and Prospective Reforms in Higher Education
In accordance with the Law On professional qualifications and On Approval of the Rules for the Recognition of Learning Outcomes Obtained through Non-Formal Education and the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (Oct, 2023):
Training outcomes obtained through non–formal and (or) informal education are recognized by recognition centers when passing the procedure for the recognition of professional qualifications if the requirements for the recognition of the results of non–formal and (or) informal education are established by relevant professional standards, and in their absence – qualification requirements.
Link: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V2300033580
Chapter 2: Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Section 2.1: Quality Assurance Body in Higher Education
Kazakhstan has a national model of quality assurance system developed by a working group of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It includes an external quality assurance system, an internal quality assurance system and state management of the quality assurance system.
In addition, a National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education has been developed in line with the general strategies, frameworks and tools for the development of higher education in the European system of HEIs. All HEIs in the country are subject to regular external quality assessment, and the issuance of own diplomas by HEIs that have been accredited by accreditation agencies recognised in Kazakhstan is enshrined in law.
Accreditation agencies also operate on the basis of the European Quality Assurance Guidelines (ESG) and at the national level there is a requirement for accreditation bodies to register with EQAR.
Accreditation agencies operate on the basis of the European Quality Assurance Guidelines (ESG) and are registered in the Register of Accreditation Agencies for Quality Assurance (EQAR).
According to the legislation, 3 Registers have been formed in Kazakhstan:
– Register of recognised accreditation bodies (Register 1);
– Register of accredited educational organisations (Register 2);
– Register of accredited educational programmes (Register 3)
(see https://enic-kazakhstan.edu.kz/en/accreditation/accredited_organizations)
The Register of recognised accreditation bodies includes 12 accreditation agencies: 6 Kazakhstani (IAAR, IQAA, KAZSEE, ARQA, ECAQA, NKCA) and 6 foreign agencies (German agencies – ASIIN, FIBAA, ACQUIN, Belgian agency – MusiQuE, US agencies – ACBSP, ABET).
Section 2.2: Quality Assurance System
In accordance with the Standard Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations Implementing Educational Programs of Higher and (or) Postgraduate Education, approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2018 No. 595, universities shall create a system of internal quality assurance based on international Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area – ESG. At the same time, paragraph 36 of ESG provides a complete list of internal standards:
Policy for quality assurance 2) Design and approval of programmes 3) Student-centered learning, teaching and assessment 4) Student admission, progression, recognition and certification 5) Teaching staff 6) Learning resources and student support 7) Information management 8) Public information 9) On-going monitoring and periodic review of programmes 10) Cyclical external quality assurance.
Regarding the second component of the quality assurance system, we note that in Kazakhstan higher education it is implemented through an accreditation tool. Functioning national accreditation model includes institutional and specialized, international and national. Accreditation is based on the principles of voluntariness, independence and payment.
Currently, independent accreditation in Kazakhstan has gained momentum, universities have adapted to external assessment procedures, accreditation bodies have gained some experience, prepared a pool of experts. Accreditation is carried out according to the standards and procedures adopted by the accreditation organizations themselves, which independently develop accreditation criteria and standards taking into account international requirements, in particular, based on ESG-2015. Accreditation is carried out by non-profit non-governmental accreditation agencies, which should be included in the Register of the authorized body.
According to the established model, three national registries are maintained in the country: 1) National Register 1, in which the registration of national and foreign accreditation bodies recognized by the authorized body in the field of education is carried out, their competence is to implement the procedure of institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations; 2) National Register 2, in which registration of accredited educational organizations is carried out on the basis of certificates of recognized accreditation bodies; 3) National Register 3, which is a list of educational programs of educational organizations, formed on the basis of information from recognized accreditation bodies. All three registries are maintained by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Study programme | Institution | Further explanation | |
Please tick. |
Please tick. |
Regularity (years)
Please indicate the number of years |
Please tick. |
Please tick. |
Further information:
Section 2.3: Link Programme Authorisation with Quality Assurance
Chapter 3: Credit System in Higher Education
Section 3.1: Description of Credit System
From 2003-2004 academic year, a credit system was introduced in universities in the experimental mode. From this moment, measures began to be taken to join Kazakhstan to the Bologna process. We have been fully accepted and, moreover, we have become adherents of all the postulates of the Bologna Declaration.
From the 2008-2009 academic year, all universities transferred to a credit system. By this time, a three-cycle model was implemented in the Kazakhstani higher education system: Bachelor-Master-PhD; credit system as ECTS; academic mobility of students, teachers and researchers; quality assurance system according to European standards.
Since 2018, a Kazakhstan credit has been equated with an ECTS credit.
The labour intensity of one Kazakh academic credit (30 academic hours) corresponds to 1 ECTS credit (25-30 academic hours).
Section 3.2: Credit Transfer System(s)
- AUN – ACTS: the AUN ASEAN Credit Transfer System
- UMAP – UCTS: the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific Credit Transfer Scheme
- SEAMEO RIHED ACTFA: the SEAMEO – RIHED Academic Credit Transfer Framework for Asia
- ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
- Other, please specify: …..
Section 3.3: Additional Information
Other useful information:
- ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
Section 3.4: Application of Credit System in Higher Education Institutions Obligatory?
Section 3.5: Number of Credits per Academic Year/Semester
To obtain a degree of bachelor, master or doctor, student should complete an appropriate educational program and earn necessary amount of academic credits (bachelor – 240-300, master’s – 60-120, doctoral – 360).
Higher education program’s curriculum consists of disciplines of three cycles: general education disciplines (GED), core disciplines (CD) and major disciplines (MD). GED cycle includes discipline of the compulsory component (hereinafter – CC), the university component (hereinafter – UC) and (or) elective component (hereinafter – EC).
Master’s program curriculum consists of core (CD) and major disciplines (MD) and includes disciplines of the university component (UC) and elective component (EC).
Doctoral program curriculum consists of core (CD) and major disciplines (MD) and includes disciplines of the university component (UC) and elective component (EC); the university decides itself what the proportion of disciplines of the university component and major disciplines should be.
Section 3.6: Number of Credits per Higher Education Cycle
Bachelor’s degree is a higher education level aimed at training personnel with a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate degree program with the required mastering of at least 240 academic credits/ECTS.
Postgraduate Education
Training in postgraduate degree programs is carried out in the mode of full-time studies.
Postgraduate education is accomplished on the levels of master’s degree, residency and Ph.D. studies in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, scientific organizations in the main activity profile and field of training.
Training on the master’s degree level is performed based on the bachelor’s degree programs in two directions:
– Scientific & Teacher training degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 120 academic credits/ECTS;
– Professionally oriented degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 60-90 academic credits/ECTS.
Training on the Ph.D. degree level is performed based on the master’s degree programs in two directions:
– Scientific & Teacher training degree;
– Professionally oriented degree;
with the compulsory mastering of at least 180 academic credits/ECTS.
Section 3.7: Description of Credit Unit
Credit point is a measure of students’ workload. One credit point corresponds to 30 hours of student work – including contact hours (lectures, laboratory papers, practical work, seminars) at the university and independent work.
Bachelor’s degree is a higher education level aimed at training personnel with a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate degree program with the required mastering of at least 240 academic credits/ECTS.
Postgraduate Education
Training in postgraduate degree programs is carried out in the mode of full-time studies.
Postgraduate education is accomplished on the levels of master’s degree, residency and Ph.D. studies in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, scientific organizations in the main activity profile and field of training.
Training on the master’s degree level is performed based on the bachelor’s degree programs in two directions:
– Scientific & Teacher training degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 120 academic credits/ECTS;
– Professionally oriented degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 60-90 academic credits/ECTS.
Training on the Ph.D. degree level is performed based on the master’s degree programs in two directions:
– Scientific & Teacher training degree;
– Professionally oriented degree;
with the compulsory mastering of at least 180 academic credits/ECTS.
Section 3.8: Link between Learning Outcomes and Credits