Chapter 1: Higher Education System
Section 1.1: Schematic Description of the Higher Education System
Source: https://www.cimea.it/EN/pagina-il-sistema-italiano-d-istruzione-superiore
Source: https://www.cimea.it/EN/pagina-qualifiche-del-sistema-afam
Section 1.2: Description of Higher Education System
The Italian higher education system is a binary system, divided into two large sectors or compartments, institutionally and functionally different: the University sector and the Higher Education for Fine Arts, Music and Dance sector, known succinctly as the AFAM sector.
The organization of both the university and the AFAM system follow the Bologna Process three cycles.
First cycle
- University System
It consists exclusively of Laurea courses. These have the objective of guaranteeing to students a sufficient command of general methods and scientific content and the acquisition of specific professional knowledge. The minimum requirement to accede is the “Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” (“State Exam Diploma upon the conclusion of the upper secondary school courses”) – commonly known as “Diploma di Maturità” obtained after 13 years of global schooling (5+3+5) – or a comparable foreign qualification.
Laurea courses last three years (180 ECTS/CFU).
- AFAM System
It comprises courses of the Diploma accademico di primo livello which have the aim of guaranteeing to students a sufficient command of artistic methods and techniques and the acquisition of specific professional and sectorial competences. The minimum requirement to accede is the “Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” (“State Exam Diploma upon the conclusion of the upper secondary school courses”) – commonly known as “Diploma di Maturità” obtained after 13 years of global schooling (5+3+5) – or a comparable foreign qualification, and admission is dependent upon passing eventual entry tests designed to verify a sufficient initial competence.
Diploma accademico di primo livello courses last three years (180 ECTS/CFA).
Second cycle
- University System
Second cycle studies of the University system consist of:
a) Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale: academic degree with the aim of offering an advanced level of education for the practice of highly qualified tasks in specific areas. Access to these courses is dependent on a Laurea or a comparable foreign qualification.
Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale courses last two years (120 ECTS/CFU).
b) Certain courses (Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary medicine, Odontoiatry and dental prosthetics, Pharmaceutical studies, Architecture, Law) are defined as “single cycle” Laurea magistrale courses (Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico). They do not envision the award of the intermediary Laurea qualification and the requirement to accede is the “Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” (“State Exam Diploma upon the conclusion of the upper secondary school courses”) – commonly known as “Diploma di Maturità” obtained after 13 years of global schooling (5+3+5) – or an equivalent foreign qualification.
Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico courses last five or six years (300-360 ECTS/CFU).
The Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale qualification is the principal qualification of the Italian second cycle.
c) Master Universitario di Primo Livello: professionally oriented degree which does not allow access to PhD and to 3rd cycle programmes, since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offered under the autonomous responsibility of each university.
Master Universitario di Primo Livello courses last at least one year (minimum 60 ECTS/CFU).
- AFAM System
Second cycle studies of the AFAM system consist of:
a) Diploma accademico di secondo livello: these courses offer the student an advanced level of education for the full command of artistic methods and techniques and for the acquisition of highly qualified professional competences. Access to these courses is dependent on a Diploma accademico di primo livello or a comparable foreign qualification and admission is regulated by specific requirements.
Diploma accademico di secondo livello courses last two years (120 ECTS/CFA).
b) Corsi accademici di specializzazione (I): these courses provide superior professional competences in specific areas. Access to these courses is dependent on the possession of a Diploma accademico di primo livello or a comparable foreign qualification.
The qualification does not give access to programmes leading to a Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca or other 3rd cycle programmes.
Diploma accademico di specializzazione (I) last at least two years (minimum 120 ECTS/CFA).
c) Corsi di perfezionamento o master (l): these courses respond to cultural needs for follow-up in specific study areas or for update needs or professional requalification and permanent education. Access to these courses is dependent on the possession of a Diploma accademico di primo livello or a comparable foreign qualification.
The qualification does not give access to Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca programmes or other 3rd cycle degree programmes since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offered under the autonomous responsibility of each institution.
Diploma di perfezionamento o Master (I) last at least one year (minimum 60 ECTS/CFA).
Third cycle
- University system
Third cycle studies of the University system consist of:
a) Dottorato di ricerca/PhD (Research Doctorate) courses with the aim of imparting the correct methodology for advanced scientific research, adopting innovative methodologies and new technologies, with the expectation of internships abroad and activity in research laboratories. A Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (or comparable foreign qualification with a final thesis as a mandatory requirement) and passing a public competition are necessary for admission.
Dottorato di ricerca/PhD courses last a minimum of three years.
b) Diploma di specializzazione courses with the aim of providing skills and knowledge for the practice of highly-qualified professional tasks, particularly in the sector of medical, clinical and surgical specialities. A Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (or comparable foreign qualification) and passing a public competition are necessary for admission. Other requirements and professional licenses can be necessary according to the field of study.
Diploma di specializzazione courses are of varying duration (from two to six years, 120 to 360 ECTS/CFU), according to the academic discipline concerned, from a minimum of two to a maximum of six years. Furthermore, a final thesis must be presented.
c) Master universitario di secondo livello courses: these are courses of scientific refinement or of permanent and continuing higher education that can be accessed with a Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale or comparable foreign qualification. The qualification does not allow access to PhD and to 3rd cycle programmes, since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offered under the autonomous responsibility of each university.
Master universitario di secondo livello courses last a minimum of one year (minimum 60 ECTS/CFU).
- AFAM system
The Third cycle studies of the AFAM system consist of:
a) Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca courses which have the aim of supplying the necessary competences for the programming and realization of research activities of superior qualification.
Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca courses last a minimum of three years.
b) Corsi accademici di specializzazione (ll): provide superior professional competences in specific areas. Access to these courses is dependent on the possession of a Diploma accademico di secondo livello or a comparable foreign qualification. The qualification does not give access to programmes leading to a Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca or other 3rd cycle programmes.
Diploma accademico di specializzazione (II) courses last at least two years (minimum 120 ECTS/CFA).
c) Corsi di perfezionamento o master (ll) respond to cultural needs for follow-up in specific study areas or for update needs or professional requalification and permanent education. They offer the award of at least 60 ECTS credits. Access to these courses is dependent on the possession of a Diploma accademico di secondo livello or a comparable foreign qualification.
The qualification does not give access to Diploma accademico di formazione alla ricerca programmes or other 3rd cycle degree programmes since this type of course does not belong to the general requirements established at national level, but it is offered under the autonomous responsibility of each institution.
Diploma di perfezionamento o Master (II) courses last at least one year (minimum 60 ECTS/CFA).
Section 1.3: Number of Higher Education Institutions
Portale dei dati dell’istruzione superiore (available only in Italian language): http://ustat.miur.it/dati/didattica/italia/atenei#tabistituti
Universitaly: https://www.universitaly.it/cerca-istituzioni
Section 1.4 Number of Students in Higher Education
Portale dei dati dell’istruzione superiore (available only in Italian language): http://ustat.miur.it/dati/didattica/italia/atenei
Section 1.5: Structure of Academic Year
Italian higher education Institutions establish the organization of the academic year, which is usually organized in semesters. The first semester generally starts in September/October. Final exams are normally held in January. The second semester normally starts between February/March and final exams are generally held in June/July.
Section 1.6: National Qualifications Framework (or Similar)
In 2005, the Ministers of Higher Education of the Bologna Process signatory countries decided to develop the Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area – QF for the EHEA. In October of 2010, after five years of work, the Italian Qualifications Framework – QTI was approved. It can be found on the following website www.quadrodeititoli.it (the website is currently under maintenance, the new version will be available soon).The Italian Qualifications Framework has been set up in alignment with the European Qualifications Framework, as outlined in the EQF Referencing Report that Italy adopted in 2012. In 2022, the Italian EQF Referencing Report was updated and it is available at the following link.
Section 1.7: Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
Each higher education degree foresees the acquisition of specific learning outcomes which are aligned with those expected for that cycle according to the Bologna Process-EHEA and level according to the European Qualifications Framework.
Section 1.8: Admission Requirements to Higher Education
The Italian higher education system is sequential; access to every cycle requires by law the holding of a specific previous qualification – see Ministerial Decree 270/2004 , Art. 6 (University sector) and the Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 212/2005, Art.7 (AFAM sector).
According to the type of course additional requirements can be set at National/Institutional level.
- In order to access higher education courses in Italian institutions it is necessary to hold the “Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” (State Exam Diploma upon the conclusion of the higher secondary school course) – commonly known as “Diploma di Maturità” or a comparable foreign upper secondary school qualification*. The “Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore” is obtained after passing the relevant State Exam (called Maturity).
For specific information on the functioning of Esame di Maturità during Covid-19 (2020, 2021, 2022), please consult: https://www.enic-naric.net/page-upper-secondary-school-examinations-covid-1
The Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore allows access to all Italian higher education courses. Specific admission requirements (exams, entry tests, etc.) may be requested by single institutions or in the case of courses with limited access on the basis of national legislation (e.g. Accesso programmato a livello nazionale: https://accessoprogrammato.miur.it/2023/).
- In order to access second cycle courses, it is necessary to hold a Laurea or Diploma Accademico di primo livello, or a comparable foreign degree.
- In order to access third cycle courses, it is necessary to hold a Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale or Diploma Accademico di secondo livello, or a comparable foreign degree. Specifically for access to Dottorato di ricercar/PhD courses a Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (or comparable foreign qualification with a final thesis as a mandatory requirement) is required and passing a public competition.
*According to Art. 2 of Law 148 of 2002 (ratification in Italy of the Lisbon Recognition Convention), Higher Education Institutions are nominated as the competent bodies for the recognition of cycles and study periods abroad and of foreign qualifications, with a view to: access to higher education, furthering of university studies, and attainment of Italian university qualifications.
Each year, the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research, Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation publish general guidelines for access to higher education courses, known as Procedures for Entry, Residency and Enrolment of International Students and the Respective Recognition of Qualifications for Higher Education Courses in Italy: https://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/
Section 1.9: Grading System
Every topic included in the study plan necessitates the passing of an exam. The subject exams (referring to each separate topic) may be oral, written or practical (especially in AFAM institutions). Failure to pass an exam is not indicated in the “exam transcript”, therefore the student must retake the exam in order to achieve a positive result. Each higher education institution can choose autonomously how many times a student may repeat an exam within the period reserved for subject exams.
The grades for subject exams are measured in thirtieths (0-30 scale), the minimum grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30. The maximum grade can be enhanced with “cum laude” (30 cum laude).
The final degree evaluation is expressed in one hundred and tenths (0-110 scale), the minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum grade is 110/110. The calculation of the final grade of each candidate takes into account the average of the grades obtained in the subject exams, as well as the quality of the work performed in research or in the final thesis which is discussed in public before an exam commission. “Cum laude” (110 cum laude) may be added to the maximum grade if the exam commission decides unanimously.
Section 1.10: Tuition Fee System for International Students
The tuition fees can vary from one higher education institution to another and also depending on the type of course. Normally higher education institution provide scholarships and other types of student aids, which are generally also extended to international students.
Section 1.11: Graduation Requirements and/or Qualification Awarding Requirements
General graduation requirements (e.g. number of ECTS credits required) in courses of higher education institution are outlined in the Ministerial Decree 270/2004 , Art. 7 (University sector) and in the Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 212/2005, Art.8 (AFAM sector). Additional graduation requirements may be set at national/Institutional level (e.g. for some courses the submission of a final thesis and an oral public defense are foreseen).
Section 1.12: Relevant Current and Prospective Reforms in Higher Education
According to Law 15/2022 (Article 1, comma 28-quinquies, 3.2), which modified the text of article 38 of Legislative Decree 165 of 2001, the possibility of academic recognition of foreign PhD qualifications is now given directly to Italian higher education institutions (whereas till now it was under the responsibility of the Ministry for Universities and Research).
Chapter 2: Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Section 2.1: Quality Assurance Body in Higher Education
The body in charge of carrying out Quality Assurance control in Higher Education is the Agenzia di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca – ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes).
More specifically, for AFAM institutions their nationally-accredited programmes are quality assured by ANVUR jointly with CNAM – Consiglio nazionale per l’alta formazione artistica e musicale (National Council for Higher Artistic and Musical Education).
Italian link: https://www.anvur.it/
English link: https://www.anvur.it/en/homepage/
Section 2.2: Quality Assurance System
Study programme | Institution | |
Voluntary | ||
Compulsory | X | X |
Regularity (years)
https://www.anvur.it/attivita/ava/accreditamento-periodico/ |
At least 3 years | At least 5 years |
X | X |
Nucleo di valutazione |
X | X |
Further information
The denomination of the Italian qualifications (e.g. “Laurea”, “Laurea Magistrale”, “Dottorato di Ricerca”) is protected by law, and so is the term “Università”.
Every Institution wishing to issue an official Italian Higher Education qualification must be recognised by law by the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research (MUR), and the authoritative advice from ANVUR is required to this end.
ANVUR also periodically checks the quality of the Higher Education Institutions as a whole and of their nationally-accredited programmes (corsi ordinamentali), while professionally-oriented courses such as Master Universitario di primo/secondo livello programs (which do not belong to the general requirements established at national level) are internally quality-assured by the single HEI QA body (“Nucleo di Valutazione di Ateneo”).
For more information on periodic accreditation: https://www.anvur.it/en/activities/ava/periodic-accreditation/
Detailed Guidelines for the Quality Assurance system in Universities is available in Italian language at this link: https://www.anvur.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AVA3-LG-Atenei_2022-10-12_sito_.pdf
Finally, EQF level 5 courses exist, organized by ITS Academies, and they are under the administration of the Ministry of Education and Merit.
Section 2.3: Link Programme Authorisation with Quality Assurance
List of official Italian HEIs and programs: https://www.universitaly.it/cerca-corsi
Chapter 3: Credit System in Higher Education
Section 3.1: Description of Credit System
The credit system in Italian courses was introduced because of the need to implement the policies deriving from the Bologna Process. Indeed, such a system did not exist in preceding legislation.
Italy has two different credit systems referring to the two sectors of Italian higher education: university credits (Crediti Formativi Universitari – CFU) for universities and academic credits (Crediti Formativi Accademici – CFA) for Education for Art, Music and Dance (AFAM) institutions. Both systems are based on the concept of “workload” and are equivalent to the ECTS credit system.
Source: https://www.cimea.it/EN/pagina-sistema-di-crediti
Section 3.2: Credit Transfer System(s)
ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Section 3.3: Additional Information
Section 3.4: Application of Credit System in Higher Education Institutions Obligatory?
Section 3.5: Number of Credits per Academic Year/Semester
The average quantity of academic work performed by a full-time student in one year is by convention measured as 60 ECTS (CFU/CFA).
Ministerial Decree 270/2004 , Art. 5, point 2
Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 212/2005, Art.6, point 2
Section 3.6: Number of Credits per Higher Education Cycle
- First-cycle, 6 EQF
Laurea: 180 ECTS (CFU)
Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello:180 ECTS (CFA)
- Second-cycle, 7 EQF
Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale: 120 ECTS (CFU)
Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello: 120 ECTS (CFA)
Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico (single-cycle): 300 to 360 ECTS (CFU)
Master Universitario di primo livello: minimum 60 ECTS (CFU)
Diploma accademico di specializzazione (I): minimum 120 ECTS (CFA)
Diploma di perfezionamento o Master (I): minimum 60 ECTS (CFA)
- Third-cycle, 8 EQF
Dottorato di Ricerca/PhD: no credits foreseen
Master Universitario di secondo livello: minimum 60 ECTS (CFU)
Diploma di Specializzazione: 120 to 360 ECTS (CFU)
Diploma accademico di specializzazione (II): minimum 120 ECTS (CFA)
Diploma di perfezionamento o Master (II): minimum 60 ECTS (CFA)
Ministerial Decree 270/2004 , Art. 7;
Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 212/2005, Art.8;
Section 3.7: Description of Credit Unit
The university credit (CFU) and academic credit (CFA) normally correspond to 25 hours of student work, including individual study. The average quantity of academic work performed by a full-time student in one year is by convention measured as 60 CFU/CFA, which are equal to ECTS.
Ministerial Decree 270/2004 , Art. 5, point 1
Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 212/2005 , Art.6, point 1
Section 3.8: Link between Learning Outcomes and Credits
University credits are based on the workload students need in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes, which describe the results – in terms of capability, knowledge and ability – which the holders of the qualifications positioned at a given level will have acquired with the issuance of an academic qualification.
The Italian National Qualifications Framework describes the learning outcomes for the degree classes of university and AFAM degrees at all levels.